When your child injures a tooth or develops a cavity, it is better to restore the natural tooth rather than extract it. In most cases, damaged teeth can be repaired with a simple filling or dental crown, depending on the extent and cause of the injury.
Dental crowns, also referred to as dental caps, are made of a durable material that is used to restore integrity to compromised teeth, as well as prevent future injury and infection.
Dental crowns are used to treat the following conditions:
- Deep cavities
- Cracked or chipped teeth
- Worn down teeth
- Severe tooth discoloration
- Teeth that are misshapen or disproportionate in size
- Failed dental fillings
Dental crowns are also used in dental implant surgery, and root canal therapy to strengthen treated teeth at the end of the procedure. They can also be used to anchor dental bridges in place.
Children rarely have dental health concerns that require extensive treatment. However, dental crowns for kids are fairly common and are used to repair both adult teeth and primary teeth (baby teeth).
Dental Crowns for Children’s Baby Teeth
Sometimes, despite our best efforts to care for our children’s teeth, a cavity develops in a baby tooth. Other times, a child may suffer a dental injury when they’re playing outside, or even just running around the house. In these scenarios, it’s important to have the baby tooth repaired to prevent future dental problems.
When Do Baby Teeth Need Crowns?
A baby tooth will need a dental crown if the tooth has been severely cracked, chipped, or there is extensive tooth decay present.
Crowns on baby teeth may sound like an unnecessary dental restoration to many parents. After all, baby teeth shed as children grow older and are replaced with permanent adult teeth. However, it’s important to repair damaged baby teeth for many reasons. Broken teeth and decay can lead to pain, infection, tooth loss, and even impact the surrounding teeth and gum tissue.
Baby teeth are also responsible for helping children to eat and speak properly. They play a role in jaw and facial development, and keep other teeth in proper alignment.
Finally, baby teeth are placeholders for developing adult teeth. If a baby tooth is pulled or lost prematurely, the adult tooth may not emerge properly later on, and a child’s overall smile development can be affected.
The majority of your child’s adult teeth may not come in until they reach 10-12 years old. Until then, it’s important to preserve the health of their baby teeth. Sometimes, placing a crown on a baby tooth is the most effective way to protect it and ensure it remains strong and healthy until it’s time for an adult tooth to come in.
Is Getting a Dental Crown Painful?
Getting a dental crown should never be painful, as your child’s dentist will numb the damaged tooth and surrounding area before starting treatment.
A dental crown procedure can vary from patient to patient. If a cavity is present, your child’s dentist will need to remove all decayed material before filling the tooth and placing a temporary crown on top. They will also take impressions of the teeth to send to a lab so the permanent crown can be fabricated. At your child’s next appointment, the temporary crown will be replaced with the permanent one.
If a tooth has been chipped or otherwise damaged, the dentist will first prepare the tooth to ensure the crown is going to fit properly. If there is infection present, root canal treatment may be necessary before the temporary crown can be placed.
Caring for Dental Crowns
After a permanent crown has been applied, there is no special care required to protect the integrity of the crown or the treated tooth. Your child will be able to smile, speak normally, and enjoy all their favorite foods. However, it is recommended that hard and sticky foods be avoided when possible, especially immediately after the procedure.
Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment
At Chicago KiDDS Pediatric Dentistry, we opt for conservative treatment methods to protect your child’s smile development. Sometimes, this calls for removing tooth decay and applying a filling that is strengthened by a crown. Other times, it means capping a cracked baby tooth so it remains healthy and intact until an adult tooth takes its place.
If your child has a cavity, is complaining of a toothache, or has suffered a dental injury, our pediatric dentist in Palos Heights can help. We offer kids’ dental crowns, dental fillings, and other restorative procedures to protect your child’s oral health.
Schedule an appointment at our office when you call (708) 448-6700 today, or contact us online.